We derive our support from the valuable services of volunteers, friends, empathizers, well-wishers, as well as our dear partners abroad who offer financial, moral, educational and material support to facilitate our activities.

The founder of the initiative is much concerned about the increasing poverty levels, increasing number of orphans without any assistance, high unemployment, lack of respect of humanity and high illiteracy levels within the community.

This was realized after carrying out a baseline survey in Busoga region and the following were realized;

  • Seven out of every 10 homes have an increased number of orphans and family members without any assistance.
  • The most vulnerable and affected are the women and children because of the African family setting yet they are the core of the households, at the Centre of hunger, malnutrition, diseases, illiteracy and all other effects of poverty.
  • Five out of every ten of school going age cannot attend school even when there is free universal primary and secondary school seemingly because they lack scholastic requirements, empty stomachs, school fees, etc
  • Most of these disadvantaged livelihoods often fall sick but don’t get proper medical treatment, circumcision, because they cannot afford the medical bills in the recommended hospitals/medical centers, which are often in long distances despite the fact that the roads are in poor conditions and the means of transport is expensive.
  • The old going age (Elderly) is also in the Centre of poverty, hunger, diseases, malnutrition, and all the other side effects of poverty as they are totally dependents.
  • Four out of every ten homes are single mother/children/widow/grand headed families without any support.
  • Seven out of every ten persons with disabilities (PWDs) are seen as a curse to the community/family, neglected under certain circumstances and even themselves are not aware of their rights as citizens of their mother country.
  • Even older people going for sex end up going for unprotected sex because they cannot afford to buy condoms, ignorant about condom use and the government free aided condoms are poorly distributed.
  • Seven out of every ten youth have lost hope and continued being vulnerable as they are un employed, uneducated, lack life skills, lack capital to set up businesses hence resorting to agriculture which is domestic and un productive due to poor soils, poor markets of their agricultural produce, landless, etc
  • Children’s rights are not properly observed in the rural communities due to ignorance of these rural livelihoods about their rights such as forcing young girls to marry at tender ages.